Ómerkileg Saga

One man show

Premiered in the Iceland University of the Arts in Reykjavík February 2022

In collaboration with Arnar Hauksson, Ásta Jónína and LHÍ.

There is something about these kind of introductions in the beginning of each course that I take, where you have to tell something about yourself. I hate it! I get so anxious about it and I have no idea what to say. I´ve never done anything worthy.

BUT imagine being able to look up to the sky, point to the moon and say: Been there!


Prevented a World War with just a cup of coffee!

Now that is something to talk about!

Photo credit: Ásta Jónína Arnardóttir


Premiered in Honkalouto Island in Helsinki 2020

In collaboration with HIT Helsinki and Spindrift Theatre

“Lohivaimo” is a site-specific solo piece exploring the patriarchal structures of marriage. It draws inspiration from the Icelandic Laxdæla saga and the story of Gudrún Ósvífrsdóttir.

“Lohivaimo” starts off with the audiences meeting a cheerful bride, who has gone into hiding a day before her wedding. Unable to face the pressures of matrimony, she has decided to reside in an abandoned fishing hut and has found a pile of dead fish to keep her company. In her hiding place, she has found the thousand years old Laxdaela Saga and starts to identify herself with the saga’s heroine, Gudrún Ósvífrsdottir. Gudrún was a strong an independent viking woman, who lost and murdered her four husbands.

The Bride ends up contemplating, whether marriage is ever a preferable option for a woman and what are her chances for independence as somebody’s wife. Should one choose love or freedom, or are both possible?


Carroll Berserkur

Premiered in Tjarnarbíó in Reykjavík 2015

An immersive theatre performance I directed, devised, acted in with my theatre company Spindrift Theatre.

An original devised production exploring aspects of ourselves we strive to hide in our daily lives.

Lewis Carroll's characters and their habitats become exaggerations of an honest clash with social norms, humiliation, insecurity, fear, anxiety or taboos. 

The audiences travel through an immersive participatory Wonderland through three different journeys. 

“Young and exciting theatre company” - Fréttablaðið


Dýrin í Hálsaskógi

Premiered in Bifröst in Sauðárkrókur 2016

A very popular children’s play by the Norwegian author Thorbjørn Egner. Dýrin í Hálsaskógi í staged in Iceland regularly and is one of the plays that I grew up with listening to and watching in the theatre. It was such a pleasure to get to direct it with the amateur theatre group in Sauðárkrókur.

Photos by Gunnhildur Gísladóttir taken from rehearsal.

Me…whilst being humane!

Premiered in Rose Theatre and again in The Freezer and Gaflaraleikhúsið.

Oh this is my first directing piece also devised by me. This is my dissertation from Rose Bruford College and I loved making it. It is a dance theatre piece and those who know me well know how much I LOVE dance theatre. I am a huge fan of Pina Bausch and seek inspiration in her art as well as Robert Wilson. I´ve been so lucky to see some of their work on stage in London and Reykjavík. I always say that dance is a language that I understand so well but I don´t speak.

I found it wonderful to watch, humorous and warm”
Audience member